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26 mars 2021 — aktie i dividend för verksamhetsåret med sin utdelning blev svaret att Jag är nordea positivt inställd till Sampo på lång sikt kapitalförsäkring 

In any case, a dividend of EUR 0.07 per share will be distributed in the spring. “Based on Nordea’s dividend proposal, Sampo will offset approximately EUR 508 million in internal dividends from its associated company this year, which of course also supports Sampo’s own profit-sharing capacity,” analysts conclude. Sampo plc’s Board of Directors has today, as planned and previously announced on 13 June 2019, resolved to distribute an extra dividend in the form of Nordea Bank Abp shares. Nordea Bank AB; EUR 557 million in March 2017 and; If P&C; SEK 6.0 billion (EUR 620 million) in December 2017. On 25 January 2018 Nordea Bank AB’s Board of Directors proposed to the Annual General meeting to be held on 15 March 2018, a dividend of EUR 0.68 per share.

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Nordea hankkii 400 miljoonan euron eläkesalkut Frendeltä Norjassa The ECB asked banks to stop dividends and buybacks until October but the European Systemic Risk Board, which is headed by ECB President Sampo Plc, 804.9, 19.9  Nordea – En av bankerna i “Trojkans tvätteri”? Sampo är det finska finansbolaget där du som investerare kan få ta del av Dividend Hawk 2 hours ago. 20 feb. 2020 — Nordea Bank Abp – Börsmeddelande – Kallelse till ordinarie Beslut om disposition av den vinst som balansräkningen utvisar och dividendutdelning eftersom Sampo Abp är en betydande aktieägare i Nordea Bank Abp. Sampo Oyj A är en aktie för Sampo Plc med ISIN-beteckning FI0009003305.

Sign in to  7 aug.

Sampo’s dividend policy, adopted on 6 February 2020, is to pay total annual dividends of at least 70 per cent of Group’s net profit (excluding extraordinary items) and that share buy-backs can be used to complement the cash dividend. Nordea will still be an associate of Sampo. At what point the position must be changed?

Nordea’s Board of Directors proposes to the AGM 2016 a dividend of EUR 0.64 per share (0.62). The Board has also decided on a new dividend policy: Nordea strives to maintain a strong capital position in line with Nordea’s capital policy. The ambition is to achieve a yearly increase in the dividend per share.

The extra dividend would be distributed in the form of Nordea Bank Abp shares held by Sampo so that each shareholder would receive one Nordea share for each ten Sampo shares held. Fractional entitlements to Nordea shares resulting from the distribution ratio would not be distributed in the form of shares, but an equivalent amount would be compensated to shareholders in cash.

Sampo nordea dividend

In any case, a dividend of EUR 0.07 per share will be distributed in the spring. “Based on Nordea’s dividend proposal, Sampo will offset approximately EUR 508 million in internal dividends from its associated company this year, which of course also supports Sampo’s own profit-sharing capacity,” analysts conclude. Sampo plc’s Board of Directors has today, as planned and previously announced on 13 June 2019, resolved to distribute an extra dividend in the form of Nordea Bank Abp shares.

Sampo’s dividend dancing with Nordea? Research Team, 3 years ago 4 min L ast week, Saxo Bank, in which Sampo took a 19.9% stake for €265m in 2017, appointed a new Head of Operations, Oliver ZECEVIC. The new manager had spent his entire 16-year career in Nordea, where he was the Head of Investor Solutions & Services.
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Sampo nordea dividend

Sampo will  Sampo currently owns approximately 15.9 per cent of Nordea and is hence a major shareholder in Nordea. Nordea is Sampo's associated company.

Updated 18 Dec 2020 Sampo announced a special dividend payable at the end of August 2019, provided the board okays the transaction. The dividend comes in the form of shares of Nordea.
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Consequently, Sampo’s Board has, after applying management judgement, today decided to impair the book value of the Nordea shares. The impairment loss will not impact the dividend paid for 2020 as it is, in accordance with the dividend policy, treated as an extraordinary item in the dividend calculation.

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